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AAPEX 2024

BPS is a leading supplier to the automotive remanufacturing industry.

We provide a wide range of services, such as core management, reverse logistics, and asset liquidation to OEM and Aftermarket customers and partners. We supply rebuilt, refurbished, and new starter and alternator components to the remanufacturing industry. We are a proud participant in the effort to clean up our environment by recycling, reducing, and reusing. We also buy and sell domestic, imported, and heavy duty rebuildable automotive cores.

Please use the menu above to learn more about us and the products and services we offer."
Boles Parts Supply, Inc.
Mission Statement

Provide quality material for the automotive remanufacturing industry.

Create value through automotive parts inventory solutions and reverse logistics.

Preserve our environment by offering responsible recycling services to the automotive industry.

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We Want Your Cores!

Turn your old cores into cash. We are aggressively buying a wide range of domestic and imported rebuildable automotive cores from electrical, brake, and steering to turbos and powertrain. We pay very competitive prices for your late model cores. Call us today at 800-241-7370 for our latest buy guide and pricing information.

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One Step Further!

By recycling of industry by-products, we look to divert even more material away from landfills.. Our newly installed Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) densifier enables us to efficiently process packaging materials that otherwise would occupy landfills. The densifier reduces EPS volume approximately 60 to 1. This makes recycling much more practical by allowing tractor trailers to be loaded to weight capacity. For photos, please click here.

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